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Seedlings: cool VR-game

To try to explain what Maze by Seedling is, in one phrase, is hard to do because it is many things. It’s a physical, build-it-yourself marble maze that’s fun to play on it’s own, but that you can then upload onto your phone so you can play the maze on the Maze app. Pop your phone into a Seedling viewer, and the maze turns into a virtual reality maze you can walk through. You can add riddles, customize the look of your maze, and race through the maze with multiple players at a time. If that’s not enough, Seedling offers craft kits to customize your own viewers and headphones!

At very first impression, Seedling is stunning. It’s so beautifully designed, it’s one of those games you don’t mind leaving out on the table.

As a mom, I also love how involved every step of the game is. It steps away from the usual instant gratification feeling most app games offer, while still being engaging. It encourages experimentation and places value on the process, and not just the end result.


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